How are you doing with following the 5 steps? Are you taking time to make sure each small change is in place before moving onto the next step?
Last week's Step 3 was a game changer for me! When I first decided to create a weekly plan which just covered the basics but worked for me and my household I began to see changes and light at the end of the tunnel! I realised that there was a way for us to live simply and comfortably without all the stresses and frustrations caused by all the mess and disorganisation which had surrounded us for years!

So, once you have your weekly routine set up to suit you it's time to look at your Morning Routine. I have already done a blog How Creating Habits Can Change Your Outlook which explains how a Morning Routine can be a life saver when your life seems to be spiraling out of control. Here is a link to that blog if you would like to read it:
I have a Morning Routine which sets me up for the day and it has become such an important part of my day now that I look forward to doing it!! My routine has developed over a number of years and is very much suited to me. It is not your routine and absolutely wouldn't suit everybody! But this is the beauty of the 5 Simple Step system. It is YOUR routine which is important and if it doesn't work for you you tweak it until you find what does work! There are a few things that I would recommend you put on the routine - Personal Hygiene, Eat a Healthy Breakfast and add in some movement. As with Step 3 and your Weekly Routine I suggest you start with a brain dump of what you already do every morning. Then look at your list and see whether these things a) have to be done and b) if you can group any items together. For example I have grouped wiping down the shower, bathroom surfaces and toilet into one task. This could also be the time you decide if anything can be delegated to someone else? If not now then maybe work towards this in the future.
Now you have your basics write them down onto a checklist - it doesn't have to be anything special ( you can download a free 'little helper' in my shop) Don't over do it - three things to start with is plenty and as you get into the swing of things you may see how you can improve or add to your routine as I have over the years.
My Morning Routine is such an important part of my day now and it has developed into a self care / mindful routine which incorporates my cleaning, hygiene, journalling, exercise and an energy routine which is chakra based! I even get up extra early so I have plenty of time to get it all done! I know only a fool would set their alarm earlier wouldn't they!!!
My Morning Routine has come about over a number of years and it has developed and changed many times before I found a routine that I love and that serves me rather than me feeling that I am a slave to my routine.
Please take advantage of any of my free printables in my shop, and remember to keep it Simple!

You can comment below or look at the end of the blog for all the ways you can contact me privately. I love hearing from you with all your ideas and photos of the areas you are working on!!
If you want to delve deeper into finding a system which will work for you, you can contact me via my email lindajharper@yahoo.com or using the chat bubble on my website, I would love to help you!
You can message me on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Linda-J-Harper-Professional-Declutterer-and-Organiser-107805011001601.
I am also on Pinterest and Instagram if you need some inspiration! https://www.pinterest.co.uk/adnilenaj1314/boards/