The most important tool you need when beginning to declutter your home is the right attitude and mindset.

There have been many examples, in sport, education and performance where being mentally prepared has given somebody the edge.
'While people often mentally prepare in different ways for different types of performances, most can agree that without prior mental preparation, their performance would not have been to the best of their ability.'
It even goes back to a quote attributed to Aristotle!!
'First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal; a goal, an objective.'

So, if we knew that having a clear goal was important over 2000 years ago, maybe that is where we should begin today?!
It is necessary to move beyond any shame, guilt or feelings of embarrassment and to cultivate a positive attitude in order to succeed.
How do you get into the correct mindset to improve your chances of success when decluttering your home?

1. Build that routine:
Look after yourself everyday.
Wash your face
Clean your teeth
Get dressed
Make the bed
Stay hydrated
Sleep well
Incorporating these steps into your routine will set you up for a productive day.

2. Commit to your goal
Be specific with what you want to achieve by having a less cluttered, more organised home.
The more specific you can get the easier it will be to accomplish.
Visualise the outcome. If you can take the time to really picture what you want to achieve, using all your senses, by trying to evoke the feelings you will get when you succeed, reaching that goal becomes more tangible. If you struggle with mentally visualising the outcome create a sketch or scrapbook. Remember to be specific to the home you are in and how you want to feel when you enter the home when you have decluttered and organised it.
Visualise how you will get to your goal. Try to see yourself working through the process of decluttering and organising your home. See the successes along the way. Visualise each area becoming clearer as you work through it.

3. Celebrate what you are about to embark on.
Tell somebody! By letting somebody you trust know what you are doing, you have begun your journey! You will have someone to support you, a cheerleader and someone who can keep your eye on the goal.
Nobody to tell? Create a journal. Keep a record of how you are feeling as you begin and as you work through your decluttering process. You can record all your wins as you work through the different areas of your home. Make sure you make a note of your goal somewhere in the journal so that you can refer back to it if you feel discouraged. I have created a journal where you can list your achievements - but a plain notebook would work just as well!!
For the 5 Simple Steps to Gain Time Everyday to Spend on The Things You Love you can start at Step 1 and gradually introduce the following 4 Steps :
If you want to delve deeper into finding a 'system' which will work for you, you can contact me via my email or using the chat bubble on my website, I would love to help you!
You can message me on my Facebook page
I am also on Pinterest and Instagram if you need some inspiration!